Monday 19 January 2009


To the left I have drawn the two characters in our opening sequence. Here are some of our first initial ideas of what the characters would be like, we jotted these down at the begining so we are able to expand from there:

Male Character (Luke's characteristics): a 'neat freak', glasses, room nice and tidy, hair pushed to the side, geeky, everything organsied, suit & tie
I think that these are stereotypical functions of what someone would describe a 'geek' to be. With our sequence we wanted to make it clear what type of personalities out characters are meant to be portraying to make it easier for the audience to understand. This is why we have made it obvious who the character is meant to be, with Luke we have done this through costume (suit), mise en scene(tidy room), and the characters actions and movements (smug look).

Female Character (Gemma's characteristics): messy room, quite scruffy appearance, dressed in random clothes, tights & socks with shoes etc, clothes thrown around the room, messy hair, loud music


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