Thursday 2 April 2009

Analysis of opening sequence (need to embed video

The film begins with an extreme long shot of New York city and then the title of the film comes up in big red flashing letters, the title being red connotes that the film could be about love or even danger. This then cuts to a medium shot of a couple walking out of what looks like a hotel towards the camera, as they walk towards the camera it backs off with them as the audience there and is handheld to add to the realism and the non digetic music of mike suggests that the mood is a happy one. The mise en scene in this shot is a woman wearing a grey dress and a man also in a dull looking suit, which would put them in the stereotype of working class and of white collar. The shot seems to be of them walking through the middle of New York obviously going to their jobs and everyone else in the also seems to be wearing dull business like suits. This jumps to a point of view shot of a man opening the door to what appears to be a flat, the man himself is not presented well and is also wearing plain clothing and we can see in the background that his flat is a mess hinting that he isn’t as well organised or well off as the first two characters. This then proceeds to a point of view shot of a girl standing in the mans doorway, she’s wearing a scouts outfit with a short skirt giving the impression that she is a tart, there is then a long shot of the woman jumping on to the man so we know that they are in a relationship of some sort. From watching the opening clip we have established two different kinds of people the woman who was of white collar and looks like she is upper class and the man who looked that he may be of blue collar judging on his home, by seeing the lives of these two characters we know that they are different and obviously the storyline is going to be about them. I think this clip is a good example of what we are trying to achieve because it creates two opposite stereotypes and the audience know that they are some how going to be linked in the film.


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